Spaying and Neutering for Pets

An operation crucial for controlling pet populations and promoting long-term health and well-being.

It’s natural for your feline or canine companion to develop sexually which makes them want to procreate. All cats and dogs will experience a heat cycle where they seek out partners of the opposite gender to create offspring. Having one loyal companion can be demanding, which is why many pet owners choose to spay or neuter their pet. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia and the reproductive organs are removed from the patient. Our team regularly performs spay and neuter surgery so we can assure you that your cherished companion will be well taken care of.

At what age should my cat or dog have spay/neuter surgery?

Most cats will have their first heat cycle when they are either 5 or 6 months old. This is why our veterinarians will recommend that your kitten get spayed by 6 months old. At this age, it is much easier for the kitten to bounce back to their normal health. Dogs are a bit different as they develop differently according to their breed. The recommended time to spay or neuter dogs is between 5 to 15 months old depending on their health and lifestyle.

Why should I consider spaying or neutering?

These surgeries are usually recommended because they have health benefits and can have a positive impact on your feline or canine’s behaviours. Here are some reasons why you should consider spay or neuter surgery for your loyal companion:

  • The surgeries prevent overpopulation in shelters and help reduce the stray population.
  • Neutering your male loyal companion eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.
  • Spaying female cats and dogs prevents mammary cancers which are fatal in 50% of dogs and 90% of cats.
  • Spay surgery terminates symptoms that are associated with the heat cycle such as yowling, erratic behaviour, crying and bloody discharge.
  • Neutering will remove certain behaviours like roaming, aggressiveness, humping and marking/spraying inside your home.

How safe is the procedure for my cat or dog?

Many pet parents begin to worry when their loyal companion is about to have surgery. During spay and neuter surgery, general anesthesia is required to make it pain-free and safe. While there can be anesthesia complications, our team takes precautions to eliminate those risks. To learn more about our surgery preparations, visit our surgery webpage or call us at 604-273-3158.

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