Senior Care for Pets

Quality care that provides comfort and a good quality of life for aging cats and dogs.

Caring for a senior dog or cat can be demanding, which is why we are here to offer our expert care and recommendations. Even in their golden years, your loyal companion can still bring happiness to your life, but one should always remember that their health can decline easily. We provide care and services for loyal companions of all senior status and health conditions. To discuss senior care for your feline or canine, please call us at 604-273-3158.

When is my cat or dog a senior?

Aging will show up differently for each loyal companion due to several factors. Your cherished companion’s breed, size, health, and lifestyle can all determine what senior status they are in. Generally, cats become seniors from 8 to 10 years old. Large breed dogs age faster so they are considered seniors as early as 7 years old. Small or medium-sized dogs enter their senior years when they are 10 or 11 years old.

When should my senior dog or cat see a veterinarian?

Even before your senior pet begins to show signs of aging or sickness, they should have regular veterinary exams. The older your feline or canine pal gets, the more fickle their health becomes. With bi-annual checkups, a veterinarian can detect underlying health problems, treat their current conditions, and prevent certain illnesses. Your cat or dog can develop arthritis, cancer, diabetes, hormone disorders, kidney and liver disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

What are signs that my loyal companion is aging?

You may notice your cat or dog is having more challenges doing their routine activities or you can identify physical changes on their body. Here are signs that your cat or dog is entering their senior status:

  1. Sleeping more
  2. Hiding
  3. Soiling the house
  4. Hearing or sight problems
  5. Eyelid tumours
  6. Dull coat
  7. Greying around their face, head chest
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