Dr. June Siu


Dr. June Siu
Dr. June Siu Veterinarian

Dr. June Siu graduated in 2014 from Massey University, in New Zealand, where she grew up. She practised in Hong Kong before moving to BC, which she now calls home. Being a veterinarian was a childhood dream! Her favourite part about being a veterinarian is helping pet owners take better care of their animals. Dr. Siu has a special interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine and was trained in veterinary acupuncture at Chi University in Florida. She is also fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. In her spare time, she enjoys culinary arts, crafts, music, and the outdoors, and she volunteers in a children’s program on weekends. Her friends call her the “Pun Master.”

紐西蘭長大的Dr. June Siu, 2014年畢業於紐西蘭唯一一家獸醫院—梅西大學。畢業後分別在香港和卑詩省工作。

Dr. June Siu 會講流利廣東話,普通話和英語.不但有利於跟華人朋友交流,更增添親切感!當獸醫是Dr. June Siu從小的志願。她希望能幫助飼主更完善地照料毛小孩。

Dr. June Siu雖自少外國長大,但十分喜歡中國文化。對中草藥,中醫病理、五行學說、陰陽理論頗有研究。為了學習動物針灸,更遠赴美國佛羅里達州Chi University進修。由於自小在島嶼生活,十分喜歡親近大自然。夏天會到郊外露營、遠足。平時愛烹調藥膳料理和品茶。週末會做義工,服務青少年。